Thursday, June 4, 2009

GLOBAL WARMING) A problem-solution report)

There is a lot of talk on climate change in our world today. There is also some action in this to help & protect our plant. One of the biggest problems issues is the subject of the global warming. In the following, I am going to look at some of the main cases of climate change and then I will explain and examine more about some of the solutions can be done to prevent that happened. In the end, I will provide a view of the future.

What makes the earth different from other planet in the solar system is the atmosphere that surrounds it. Also in presence of that atmosphere, prevent the life of every thing in the earth “ten thousand of years”.( Global warming basics 1)
There are many of causes of the emission of pollutants to the atmosphere some of them natural as Volcanoes, forest fires, and some causes of industrial like a result of human activities especially burning of fossil fuels “oil, coal, natural gas.” Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest is rising sea level causing by melting the Arctic ice cap. This could result in flooding of low lying coastal areas and cities. (Lerner 2)
Other important cause by increasing of temperature is forest fires what produces a lot of dioxide. As we already see, small changes in temperature can make massive differences to the environment.( Global Warming: Problems and Solutions 1)

There are several things to reduce pollution or to deal with global warming. Most important thing to educate and inform the people more about this huge problem to try to get out with many solution by every one living on this earth. Some countries must take action to reducing those people effects in this issue. There are many ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide like measure the carbon foot print average and try to change people life style.
We should put Existing technologies for building cleaner cars and modern electricity generators into widespread use. Try to find out new energy sources such as wind, sun and geothermal.(Lerner2)
Create new building systems for cool cities like Masdur city and encourage people to life in it. Try to recycle more products. Using public transport maybe reduce the amount of carbon emission by large way in crowded cities. Save more water and electricity on our homes could be helpful in this mission.

In conclusion, making small changes in our habits can make a huge difference in our future. In my opinion, every one on this planet must take part and work together to find out the quickest, cheapest and most effective way to reduce carbon emissions and overcome this serious threat.

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